Why apply to Ruislip High School?
Hear from pupils who have applied to join Ruislip High Sixth Form about how and why they made this decision!
- "I have been a pupil at Ruislip High since year 7 and I am really interested in getting into Ruislip High Sixth Form to further my education as I feel Ruislip High has helped me for many years and has got me to the level I am at present. It’s definitely my first choice."
- "I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Ruislip High School and I have felt that the development of my education has vastly benefitted within the Ruislip High School community. I feel that furthering my education within RHS Sixth Form would give me the opportunity I need to get the best grades possible."
- "I would love to receive the opportunity to study my chosen subjects in my own school as I think it’s an amazing school and I have loved attending it for the past 5 years."
- "I believe I am most likely to succeed in my A-levels at RHS."
- "I have been studying at Ruislip High School since year 7 and I like the school, staff and the environment. I think that I would really enjoy continuing my studies here and would carry on putting all my efforts into a successful future at Ruislip High School."
- "My journey at Ruislip High has been enjoyable and has increased my confidence. Looking at what I would like to study at university, I would love to continue at Ruislip High with the support I know the school has given and will go on to give me."
- "I would love to carry on my relationship and journey with Ruislip High School in the sixth form."
- "I really think Ruislip High School is the best option for furthering my education."
- "I first heard about Ruislip High when I was in Year 6 looking at high schools to go to. When I went to the open evening in 2017 I was immediately drawn to the school, the pupils and just the atmosphere itself. The school was my first choice, however I did not get in as we were not within the catchment area. I heard from many people my age in the area that it is a good school to attend.This is my last chance to get to come to this great school so I hope you will accept me!"
- "Although it sounds cheesy, being a lawyer is my dream and I know at this school, I will be given the help I need to achieve that."
- "I have always been a student who has followed all of the rules and met all of the deadlines at Ruislip High School and would love for my journey to continue for a further two years."
- "I did attend Ruislip High School from Year 7 to Year 9 and really enjoyed those years of my school life, but moved school in Year 10. I realised I really missed Ruislip High and wanted to go back for Sixth Form. Being familiar with the students, the teachers and the building, I believe that Ruislip High Sixth Form will provide the strong academic environment that I will really thrive in and achieve high grades to go further in my desired career path."
- "It has taken me a long time to reach the position where I am now. I think it would be a great opportunity for me to go to Ruislip Sixth Form. I have finally overcome my struggles with behaviour here and it would be nice to continue here for sixth form where I feel supported."
- "I've been at Ruislip High School since Year 7 and feel comfortable with how the school operates, I know there are good teachers who I would like to be taught by in A-levels and I'm impressed by the new building and having looked at other sixth forms I would feel happiest at Ruislip High."
- "Ruislip High School's mantra of 'Hard Work Equals Success' has always resonated with me. The high success rate at A Level and its leadership encourages me greatly and I know by continuing my studying here, I can put myself in a good position to achieve my ambitions."
- "I really don't have much to say but I hope I can continue to learn at Ruislip High School as it is a great school and really is my first choice as I want to get my desired A-levels and into a prestigious university to study medicine."
- "I just would really like to continue my education at Ruislip High as the school has been so supportive."
- "I would thoroughly enjoy the opportunity of being a part of the Ruislip High community especially coming from a student who’s part of the Vanguard Learning Trust at another school already. It's an amazing opportunity and I'm 100% willing to take it on as I undoubtedly want this sixth form place!"
- "I’ve just always really wanted to come to this sixth form!"