Friends of Ruislip High School

 The Friends of Ruislip High School is a group of volunteers, made up of parents whose children attend the school. The group is responsible for supporting aspects of the school’s community life, such as our second hand uniform shop and other fundraising and community events. The work of the group is underpinned by a clear vision, which informs decisions made by the team. The vision was decided collectively by the group in the Autumn Term 2023 and will be reviewed annually.

The Friends’ Vision:
“The Friends of Ruislip High School is the coming together of parents and teachers to enrich students' life at school and to build our community. It’s a fun group committed to unlocking the potential of every child because we believe that every child matters.”

The Friends have been responsible for a range of events and fundraising activities, which have helped them to achieve their goal of bringing our school community together:

This has included a highly successful litter pick in the local community, in association with the Hillingdon Litter Picking Association; regular second-hand uniform sales, providing sustainable options to the community; the organisation of prizes for the 2024 Easter attendance raffle for students and donating money to our Year 11 Prom. 

If you are a current parent of a student at Ruislip High School and you would like to volunteer to join the Friends of Ruislip High School, please contact Ms Ohana via the school office.

Calling All Pre-Loved Uniform

The Friends of Ruislip High School are always looking for any pre-loved uniform donations. If you have any Ruislip High School uniform, which is still in a good, clean condition and you wish to donate it, please drop it off at our school office. Thank you in advance for your support. All money raised from future uniform sales goes towards the ‘Friends’ Fund’.