Year 11 Preparing for Success Evening
On Tuesday 22nd October, 2024, Year 11 parents were invited to attend a talk centred around ‘Preparing for Success’ this academic year. Led by Mr Noble, Deputy Head, and Mr Sills, Head of Year 11, the talk focused on supporting Year 11 students to ensure they are able to do their absolute best in their summer examinations.
The focus of the evening was parents/guardians and the school working as a team to make the forthcoming examinations an opportunity for great success.
A range of staff spoke at the evening, focusing on topics, such as: Setting the scene for success; what effective revision looks like; how to look after student wellbeing; and post-16 guidance.
The evening was an important event, to ensure that all who attended understood the key messages from school, which can be followed up at home, to ensure that the summer examinations are perceived as a great opportunity to demonstrate talents, rather than a source of anxiety.
Mr Sills, Head of Year 11, said: “It was excellent to see our assembly hall full on Tuesday night for the Year 11 'Preparing for Success’ Evening. The evening was an opportunity to emphasise the importance of working together as parents/guardians and the school, to best support our students in what will be a challenging, but equally rewarding year. Thank you to everyone who attended.”
Thank you to all of the parents, students and staff who attended the evening. The slides for the talk can be found here.