Year 12: Brilliant Club

Ruislip High Sixth Form is celebrating the success of 14 Year 12 students who have completed their final assignments for the Brilliant Club Young Scholars Programme.

Through this programme, our students have had the opportunity to work with a PhD tutor and engage in university-style learning experiences about the insight the earth’s magnetic fields provide to the field of Oceanography, titled “Magnets in Lava: The History of the Earth”.

Students attended small group seminars with James Hepworth from the University of Plymouth over the course of two months, before writing a 2500 word university-style assignment. Successfully submitting their final assignments is a considerable achievement for these students: the project is marked to university-level academic standards and, for many, is the longest piece of writing they will have completed to date, whilst being in a subject area that was completely new for the majority of the cohort. These students will stand out from the crowd when applying to competitive apprenticeships and universities as a result of their participation.

Our students have shown great enthusiasm for the programme and have consistently demonstrated high levels of engagement and academic achievement. They have gained valuable skills, such as critical thinking, research, and academic writing, that will serve them well in their future studies. All have made progress from their baseline assignment and have been praised by their tutor for their approach and work ethic. The whole Sixth Form team are incredibly proud of their achievements.

Particular congratulations go to the following students who all achieved the highest grade of a 1st on their assignments: Alexia, Nathan, Priya, Nisham, Zahra and Bianca.

Thank you to all the students for their hard work, the Brilliant Club for facilitating the scheme and James Hepworth from the University of Plymouth for supporting the students throughout their tutorials.

The participants on the programme will attend a virtual graduation ceremony later this half term.