Year 11 - Celebration Assembly

On Friday 14th June, the Year 11s celebrated the end of their GCSE exam season, with our traditional send off - a celebration assembly, led by Mr Sills.

Mr Sills congratulated the students on their perseverance and achievements, highlighting the incredible journey they have undertaken over the past five years. His choice of quote from The Great Gatsby focused on the choices Year 11 now have ahead of them and the potential opportunities they all have, so long as they focus on the positive. Mr Davies, Headteacher, also spoke about how proud he was of all of them, saying that what stood out about the year group was their resilience and ability to adapt in the face of adversity.

Following the assembly, the students partook in the much-anticipated tradition of shirt signing. There was laughter and smiles all round as students exchanged signatures and messages, creating lasting mementos of their time together. The shirts, now adorned with colourful messages and signatures, symbolised the unity that has developed among the students over the years.

To cap off the afternoon, everyone was treated to an ice-cream. It was a perfect way to celebrate the students’ hard work and the end of an important chapter in their academic journey.

We are incredibly proud of our Year 11 students and their accomplishments. We hope all of them have a fantastic summer break. We look forward to seeing them on Thursday 22nd August for their GCSE Results Day.