Year 10 Geography Trips to Dorset

In the last week of June, 2024, our Year 10 Geography GCSE students embarked on one of two field trips to Hengistbury Head in Dorset, as part of their GCSE Geography curriculum. The purpose of the trip was to observe the large-scale coastal engineering works underway, a real-world application of their studies on human and physical Geography.

Armed with two enquiry questions, the students explored the site to gather valuable data and insights, which will be instrumental in preparing them for their GCSE Paper 3 exam in the summer of 2025. The hands-on experience allowed them to see first-hand the impact of human intervention on coastal landscapes and understand the complexities of coastal management.

Despite the extremely hot weather, our students (and staff) showed good humour and resilience as they completed a long coastal walk in the sun. Their dedication and positive attitudes were a credit to the school.

This field trip not only enhanced their geographical knowledge but also fostered critical thinking and analytical skills. Mr Allison, Director of Humanities, told us: “The Geography Department is proud of our students’ enthusiasm and engagement and look forward to seeing how they use all they learnt on the trip, in the classroom.”

Well done to all of the students and thank you to the staff who supported the trip.