Sports Presentation Evening

Sports Presentation Evening On Wednesday 10th July we held our first ever Sports Presentation Evening. Our intentions at Ruislip High School are to give students the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of different sports, and the skills required to participate in a variety of competitive situations. Some students go above and beyond this and have achieved success. This evening was a celebration of this. We were lucky enough to have guest speaker Olympian Laura Turner-Alleyne sharing her experiences and advice.

The first awards of the evening were our Platinum Winners, these are designed to celebrate individual achievement in sport as well as to recognise an individual’s commitment, enthusiasm and dedication towards school sport, whilst acting as a role model for our younger students and as an ambassador for the school.

Winners: Keira B (10D), Sam L (8C), Ellie M (10W), Lucas C (7D), Sam W (11F), Finley B (10C), Eve A (10D), Zayn A (11W) and Elena L (10C).

This followed by the main winners of the evening: These students have gone above and beyond this year: not only representing the school but excelling in their sports also. Hopefully we have some further Olympics/world class players/performers on the way.

Year 7 sports performer of the year (female) Lois C (7D)
Year 7 sports performer of the year (male) Lucas C 97D)
Year 8 sports performer of the year (female) Bethany S (8B)
Year 8 sports performer of the year (male) Dragos T (8F)
Year 9 sports performer of the year (female) Eva E (9S)
Year 9 sports performer of the year (male) Charlie R (9D)
Year 10 sports performer of the year (female) Jemima H (10A)
Year 10 sports performer of the year (male) Dexter O (10W)
Year 11 sports performer of the year (female) Alice P (11S)
Year 11 sports performer of the year (male) Zayn A (11W)
Sixth form sports performer of the year Dylan B (C62)
BTEC sports performer of the year Imogen O-M R (11S)
GCSE sports performer of the year Sam W (11F)
Team of the year - Year 8 County Cup Finalists (Boys)

Tomas B (8B), Ethan K (8D), James B (8B), Conor F (8F), Sam H (8D), Georgi G (8F), Dexter G (8S), Amin A (8B), Ibrahim H (8F), Oscar W (8F), Daniel L (8F), Charlie K (8A), Charlie C (8D), Ashaz S (8B), Dragos T (8F)

Teachers' player/performer of the year Sidney B (9F)