Sixth Form Mental Health Talks

On Wednesday 17th April, 2024, Year 12 and 13 students received the second of two special assemblies focused on supporting their mental health and wellbeing, as they approach their exams and think about their post-18 decisions. These assemblies were led by specialist mental health presenter James Peterson, the founder of mental health organisation, Breaking Free.

Students learnt about the choices they can make each day and in the future to support their mental health across the two morning sessions. Topics ranged from the need to get sunlight and quality sleep to aid mental health and to how our mental wellbeing should always be at the forefront of our life choices such as university, relationships and employment. This vital information will help our Sixth Formers to not only look after their wellbeing during the summer examination period, but to lead mentally healthy and fulfilling lives well
into the future.

We would like to thank James for taking the time to come in to speak to our students and to our Year 12s and 13s who embraced what he had to say so well.