RHS Languages Week 2025

From Tuesday 25th February to Monday 3rd March, 2025, Ruislip High School celebrated its 5th annual Languages Week.

The week kicked off on Tuesday 25th February, 2025, with Year 9 enjoying a talk from Steve Eadon, a former coach for Arsenal Football Club. During his time at Arsenal, Steve managed the award-winning ‘Arsenal Double Club’ languages project, using football as a tool to inspire young people to learn new languages. During the talk, Eadon shared with students the importance of languages and how they can open doors in their future careers. Year 9 left the assembly inspired, having had the chance to ask Eadon thoughtful questions about his experiences.

After school, over 100 students signed up to watch Disney’s Jungle Cruise in Spanish. The following day this event was repeated for 50 students - but this time in French! During both screenings, students tucked into free popcorn donated by CineWorld.

On Wednesday 6th February, all Year 7-9 students studying French were treated to a theatre production, performed entirely in French. The play, Prendre sa Revanche, followed two antique dealers trying to fool customers by passing off fake artifacts as real. Students found the play funny and were pleased with how much they could follow the production.

On Friday 28th February, the Year 9 Languages Breakfast was hosted by the Year 10 Language Ambassadors. The event was attended by 105 students and the event was a fantastic success. Students enjoyed an array of French and Spanish food, ranging from croissants to churros. In addition, students took part in a code breaking task using their language skills to try and win one of the four Amazon vouchers up for grabs.

Throughout this week language themed activities were planned in lessons across the school, to demonstrate to all students the influence of languages across the curriculum.

Next week, on Monday 3rd March, Languages Week will conclude with students in Years 7-9 who study Spanish, enjoying a theatre production performed entirely in Spanish. The play, Primera Cita, gives the audience a hilarious insight into two teenagers, Carlos and Maria, preparing for their first date. We are sure it will be a hilarious production, which our students will enjoy.

Thank you to the MFL Department, and in particular Ms Matias, Curriculum Leader of MFL, for organising such a vibrant and entertaining range of events for the week.