Careers Day

On Monday 1st July, 2024, our students engaged in a vibrant Careers Day, packed with workshops tailored to where students are on their academic journey. Students participated in the ‘Careers Buzz Quiz’, a fun and insightful activity that matched them with potential careers based on their unique personalities, which compared them to an animal. Students loved finding out whether they were a ‘Let’s think about it’ Seahorse or an ‘Everything’s negotiable’ Hawk.

Year 10 students benefited from hands-on workshops with BUILD, exploring diverse trade career options. The school has worked with BUILD on several occasions and, once again, the BUILD team brought their expertise, to help engage the students with careers from plumbing to plastering. Additionally, Year 10 also engaged in online work experience, earning certificates that acknowledged their newly acquired skills.

Year 9 students attended an enlightening talk with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), providing them with valuable insights into future employment opportunities and the job market. The day also featured a bustling Careers Fair in room E201, where students from various year groups could interact with professionals and gather information about a wide range of career paths.

Kalel, Year 10, said: “It was really interesting. The BUILD workshops made me think about careers I had never even considered - but now I am interested in becoming an electrician.”

This dynamic day sparked enthusiasm and provided our students with a clearer vision of their future careers, empowering them to make informed choices. Thank you to Mr Shelley and Miss Bonny for organising a fantastic day.