Year 10 GCSE Drama trip

On Tuesday 16th April, 2024, the Year 10 GCSE Drama Class went to the Kiln Theatre to see “The Ballad of Hattie and James”. After the now-traditional pre-Kiln Nando’s, the students settled down in the stalls. It was an intense and emotional epic that promoted a fantastic range of conversations on the train home.

“The Ballad of Hattie and James” is about the entwined and painful lives of two musical prodigies and a tragedy that both drives them apart and binds them together inexorably. Part of the GCSE Drama course involves writing an extended evaluation of a piece of live theatre, and Year 10 are using this production to learn how to evaluate a performance. It was a great evening and the class are already working hard in their study of the play. Trips to the theatre are a regular and immensely enjoyable part of the GCSE Drama course.

Leylah, Year 10, said: “It was an emotional, heartwarming experience and we all gained so much from going to watch it.”

Kalel, Year 10, added: “It was an electric atmosphere and an experience I won’t soon forget.”