Euros Themed Maths Challenge

Year 9 students at Ruislip High school took part in a live Euro Themed Maths Challenge event on Wednesday 12th June, 2024. The event was hosted by AMSP Maths and more than 30 teams took part across the country.

Ruislip High School demonstrated exceptional mathematical prowess - securing both the first and second positions. The competition, designed to test students' mathematical abilities through a series of challenging problems and puzzles, brought together bright young minds from various schools.

Participants were tasked with solving problems that required not only advanced mathematical skills but also an understanding of European themes, which added a unique twist to the traditional maths competition. The event aimed to enhance students' problem- solving abilities, teamwork, and application of mathematical concepts in diverse contexts.

Ruislip High School's teams excelled in the competition, showcasing their dedication and strong mathematical foundation. Their hard work paid off as they navigated through complex questions and collaborated effectively to secure top positions.

The achievement of Ruislip High School at the Euro-themed maths challenge serves as an inspiration to other students, emphasising the importance of perseverance, teamwork, and a passion for learning.

Ms Jani, who led the event said: “This is a very proud moment for the Maths department. I would like to congratulate each and every teacher and the students who took part in the challenge.”

The students who came first in the challenge are: Ray, Daniel, Lorcan and Iza.

The students who came second are: Lorena, Amelia, Mariam and Radha.