Agents for Change
On Tuesday 27th September, 2022, five members of the RHS student Equality and Diversity committee took part in an anti-bullying workshop, 'Agents for Change'. The full day workshop took place as our students are part of the ‘Equally Safe’ project.
A national project, ‘Equally Safe’ is an initiative funded by the Department of Education to embed best practice in preventing and tackling identity-based bullying, developing tailored, whole-school approaches. As a school, we are very excited to be a part of this important project.
During the workshop students investigated how to recognise identity based bullying; discussed strategies on how to stop them; and created action plans to raise awareness in their peers. All of the students involved in the day thoroughly enjoyed the interactive sessions and proposed some fantastic ideas surrounding strategies to make Ruislip High School even more of an inclusive school.
Zaynab, in Year 7, who took part in the day, said: "I enjoyed the session and learned so many new terminologies, which will help me to spot potential future identity based bullying issues and educate others on this topic."