Cultural Studies
In a time of diversity and social conflict, students need to have an understanding of the world, both in a local and global context. Within Cultural Studies, students will develop an understanding of British Values and learn about different cultures within their local, national and international community. Students are taught how the law can protect and support; the consequences of breaking laws; how to recognise positive relationships; and where to turn to for advice when needed. Students will acquire and develop their knowledge and understanding of different world faiths and cultures, and have opportunities to understand the relationship between belief and practice. Students will be able to express their own belief and experiences, whilst developing critical skills including respect for others, questioning and being able to make moral judgements that they can take into the world beyond the school environment.
Students are taught about physical, sexual, moral and emotional development. We highlight: the importance of stable and loving relationships; respect, love and care for family life; how to spot the signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships; and where to seek support and advice, if required.
Years 7 and 8
The Cultural Studies course helps students to develop themselves as people, and to understand themselves and others. It encourages students to be active citizens and to have a positive and lifelong effect on the local, national and international community. The course is taught thematically, drawing together themes from personal, social, health, religious and citizenship education.
By the end of KS3 students will have covered themes from the RE, Citizenship and PSHE curriculum. Through the themes taught, students develop skills and knowledge that will empower them when making decisions.
Themes include:
Friendship; Diversity and Identity; Charities; Festivals of light; the roles and processes involved in Governments; different types of parties and leaders; Law and punishment - including the role of religion; how religion can influence someone's everyday life; and developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle now, and in the future.
Year 9 and 10
In Year 9 and 10 students will cover RE, Citizenship and PSHE/ RSE as part of their tutorial programme. During lessons students will cover the Citizenship GCSE syllabus.
Year 11
Through Cultural Studies lessons we aim to help students be able to make responsible, healthy, safe and informed decisions in their relationships. Students think about lifestyles and relationships including family life and parenthood. Students will learn about services available to young people and how to access them. There is a focus on the importance of consent and resilience, and we explore the areas of criminal exploitation and grooming by gangs. All of the topics and issues are discussed openly and objectively in a sensitive and supportive environment, taking into account and developing students' knowledge and understanding of religious views and teachings.