Spanish Trip to Cervantes Theatre

On Friday 10th November 2023, a group of Year 11 and 12 students got the opportunity to visit The Cervantes Theatre. At this small theatre in the heart of London, students watched a play in Spanish, with English subtitles, written by the Spanish playwright and poet Federico García Lorca. The play, Amor de Don Perlimplín con Belisa en su Jardín (which translates to The Love of Don Perlimplín and Belisa in the Garden) is a romantic comedy first performed in 1933. Our students were very impressed with themselves, as they managed to understand large parts of the play without relying too much on the subtitles. 

For most of our students this was the first time that they had come across Federico García Lorca’s work and hopefully it won’t be the last. The school even has a classroom named after him in the languages corridor!

At the end of the performance when the cast were chatting to audience members - Ms Matias recognised one of the actresses. She is called Montserrat Roig Puig and she features in the Channel 4 series Extr@, which we show to our Year 9 students in lessons. The students were very excited to meet her and get a photo with her, as well as other members of the cast. 

After the performance, our students had the following things to say:

Maisie, Year 11:  “I really enjoyed watching the play and getting to meet the actors after, especially Monserrat from Extr@”.

Velizar, Year 11: “The night was full of more fun and laughter than I ever imagined!! I definitely learnt new words and phrases; but I think the reason I enjoyed it so much was because the people there were as passionate about Spanish as me”.

Ethan, Year 11: “The trip was a really fun experience watching an incredible play and socialising with friends. ¡Fue inolvidable!”

It was a privilege to take our Spanish students out for an evening of theatre and we hope it has inspired them to look for other opportunities to use Spanish beyond their lessons again soon.